Sunday, October 10, 2010

Weekend Wrap-up

*I decided on Friday that I was not going to waste all day on Saturday waiting to see if hubs was coming over, so I made plans with a friend. We headed out to a big craft show in Georgia and shopped the shops and ate the delicious food ! I only bought a few things there: 2 eiffel tower magnets, a marshmellow gun for T, some owl recipe cards, and an owl bookmark. It was definitely fun to get out of the house and spend time with friends though :) After the craft show we decided to head to Chatt for some more "refined" shopping. Mostly I was dying to go to sephora to pick up some eye shadow primer, but we ended up going to tons of places. At Old Navy i picked up a peacoat with black and grey stripes for me. I think its totally cute and cant wait to wear it. At Sephora I picked up the Too Faced "Enchanted Glamourland". I was wanting the shadow insurance anyways and I can never turn down some new eyeshadows. Next up was Charming Charlies where I picked up some La Fleur earrings and a cute ring. All in all I love all the things I purchased and I had a great time with a good friend and lord knows I needed that.

*Sunday I spent most of the day just cleaning up around the house and I made a quick run to CVS and to Walgreens where I freaking kicked ass on the deals for once. Also I spent farrrrrr too long trying to fix the freaking lawn mower. It wasnt pretty. Things were thrown, profanity was yelled, and tears were cried. I think it was more the overall stress of my current situation rather than the actual lawn mower, but hell. Crying, cussing, and yelling always help me to feel better. Dont Judge.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How other people see us...

Let me begin by saying that I absolutely hate it when people stop by my house unannounced. If you do not call to let me you are coming then you are lucky if I answer the door. Thats just how I am and the people close to me know this. However, yesterday I had an unexpected visit from someone that I didnt even know cared. This is a man that is friends with my husband, but that hadnt talked to my husband in a while. He came to ask me if T and I are doing ok and to see if we need anything. He wanted to talk to hubs, but hubs moved out and I dont really know where he is staying and I have no way to contact him (he lost his phone). So the visits I have with hubs are determined by hubs at his discretion and there is nothing really I can do about it. Anyways, while Jason was here visiting he told me that he really thinks that me and hubs will work this out. He said he has seen the looks that we give each other when the other isnt looking and he knows that we love each other. He said hubs has told him how much he loves me and T and that there must be something more going on here. Hearing that from someone else just made me feel so much better. I know that being in Iraq changed my husband. I know that staying here without him changed me. I just hope and pray that he realizes just what he has here and comes home. This is hard. This is so very very hard.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Getting my feet wet

I have finally decided that I have been lurking long enough. It is time for me to step out from the shadows and create my own blog. I love reading about peoples adventures and lives and mostly the blogs I read inspire me to try new things or to be more outgoing. However, sometimes the blogs I read make me sad. They make me realize that my life could be so much more. So much happier. So much more fulfilled. I have started this blog as the beginning of my journey to happiness.
This past year has been a hard one for me and my family. My husband was deployed to Iraq from July 09 to July 10 and let me just say that the deployment has not been kind to us. We have been through many deployments before this and never before has the actual deployment been easier than the return home. I hope this blog will help me to better understand my feelings and who I have become over the past year. I feel pretty alone because I am not exactly comfortable discussing this with the "real" people in my life, so hopefully this blog will help me in some way. We have a 9 year old son "T" and this has been hard on him as well. He just started the fourth grade and it is not going well at all. I hope that in some weird way this will help my family heal and come back together.

I have no delusions that anyone besides myself will read this, but if someone should stumble on here and take the time to read a post I guess that would be ok too.

Heres to regaining happiness :)